Chislehurst Rotary Club Pandemic Support

January 27, 2022

Chislehurst Rotary Club first reached out to Turn Around during the first lockdown of the pandemic. Over the last year the club has made two donations, totalling £2500, to help fund specific projects. Chislehurst Rotary Club have helped Turn Around renew our computer equipment, covered the cost of recruiting 10 volunteers and contributed to our new website development project.


Prior to lockdown Turn Around only had one laptop and all our learning sessions were delivered in-person. Faced with the challenge of adapting to the new circumstances of a pandemic, Turn Around compiled online resources and started teaching online. We have now reopened for in-person learning sessions but some students continue to attend online. We now have 2 laptops available for student use and an upgraded computer for delivering online lessons.


Chislehurst Rotary Club have also part funded the long overdue rebuild of the Turn Around website, primarily to improve accessibilityand resources for students and volunteers, but also to better represent Turn Around’s work to future partners. Without their support this work may have been further delayed.